zondag 19 augustus 2007

Fwd: Re: Teleshout

Thomas savage <tsavagebar@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:34:50 -0700
From: Thomas savage <tsavagebar@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Teleshout
To: WRYTING-L@listserv.wvu.edu

Very good.  Has anyone written a poem yet about how cell phones have eliminated the idea of privacy inasmuch as, at least in a large city, one hears people's private lives spilled out into the air as they walk down the street talking on these devices?  By the way, what is a "naira"?  It is a word I haven't encountered before.  Regards, Tom Savage

Obododimma Oha <obodooha@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
(or Demobilized by the Mobile)
At last we've got the talk
The talk raging after the talker
Streetways, or hidden lovetones
At last a dumb country is talking
Talkshops, and your naira burns
Aims, teas, envelops of dread
When the passions are loudest
At last, we're not the least
In the chinamart
Of booming wirelessness
We glow that we don't grow techs, demobilized
By the mobile shout
Networks & teleshouts
An ancient town is learning
A new witchcraft in pointing voices
Without pointing hands
Phonetics without phone ethics
The pleasure of getting & forgetting
Where you are
Who you are
What you are
So the talk unwraps you to the world
---- Obododimma Oha

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

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Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

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