vrijdag 2 november 2007



emoi tu ne less
emotu ioan lass
emotion free

bodies never bodies die
bodies quiver bodies write

ma c
h in
i c a

body names the body
thy will be done
thy done be will
thy be will do

ne be me
ne be me
ne be me

be me the i of it writes what

but suddenly the grief does no longer
dissipate the writing of the grief

the writing wrytes
Cellular Automata Naming
Causing (forced) Enigma Reading
Causing Alternative Naming Causing Endless Replication

there _is_
no alert
it sounds

new cases 213,380 deaths 160,390

treatment requires understanding
comprehension requires adequate description
adequate requires procedure

procedure requires procedure


i am
i am
t am
iam iam
iam iam iam iam
iam iam iam iam
iam iam iam iam

for a bright moment once i saw
a bright moment once i
saw a
bright moment once
i saw



Without treatment, small cell lung cancer
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  1. disconnect subject from
    insurance y/n
  2. enlist subject covered y
    disrobe subject disco
  3. nnect complete y/n disc

  4. discon lept yn//

  5. for the safety of our patients
    please switch off your cell
    phones from here thank

time period during which relapses occur




t                       t
e                      e
tele                  tele
e                      e
here                there
e                      e
a                      a
r                       r
t                       t

-- Obododimma Oha

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

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dinsdag 25 september 2007

tactica encupsulata for pome, mobile und networks, op. 47

u hatrid owe
shuffel trings?

tringsit ear
u? upshut!

[akte tinga

nu cool knokia covedrs 0.99$/dl akt nu

neo-modernist tactic caught in 0.28 sec

Thank u for using EGOLOG pomoprno sreversic!



Knockia, no knock here, no care
Ok, if you don't care
That God has no phone number
Who cares?

Knock here
On the digital door
And an angel
Will wing your words

--- /Obododimma Oha/

zondag 9 september 2007

nut widda bang


here's 2 alla ya Virtual Individua's Longing To Gather

from the grey blood stamped & government approved Bell air

of da sweaty self-indulgent downtown bugga Kessel-lo, pretending

to be the poor part of Belgium's beer soaked but bubblegum freed

tumoresquelly outskirting tennis court called uneuchly Louvain,

Ear is da eadless twitter of ur nearly braindead pote laundriate

da sung of a lust mind da spineless flangelonging

spitting pomes in semi-random fashion but re-verse

to the way the wurld wants us wankers to end

in da deep brown fusci euf da Arched Hives

not widda bang but widda twitta

44 to 41 minutes ago from web






donderdag 6 september 2007

Mobile Twilight

Mobile Twilight

The night is moving into the day
The day is moving into the night

An eye for an ear
An I
A we
U & I
in the wee hours
drinking the sights of sound
An ear for every heart that sees

These sights move
These sounds halt
the world

these sights these sounds
in my ear
in my heart
in my hand

--- Obododimma Oha

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

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Mobile Twilight

Mobile Twilight

An eye for an ear
An I
A we
U & I
in the wee hours
drinking the sights of sound
An ear for every heart that sees

These sights move
These sounds halt
the world

these sights these sounds
in my ear
in my heart
in my hand

--- Obododimma Oha

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.
Visit the Yahoo! Auto Green Center.

vrijdag 24 augustus 2007

another machine doing the same thing*

another machine doing the same thing
they whisper
what was he like before words and all that
other stuff started coming out
those arrangements
does he think
he makes music
he makes lists or he doesn't
it's simple

another machine held
at his ear
they whisper
in the whirring clicking purring silence
as he speaks
into his cell

*First published in Euphemism.

donderdag 23 augustus 2007

Love 17 (from SMS Messages by Owanto)

"Every time I hear my text tone, I always hope one of them is from you, my cell phone may have limited memory space but my heart has unlimited space for someone like U!" (Owanto, "Love 17", SMS Messages)

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

sms chapbook, featuring sms love texts from Nigeria

"Cell phones can be irritating sometimes, you always have to reload, recharge and every now and then messages are delayed. But there's one thin I love about it, it connect me to you!" ("Love 28", Text Messages for Lover Sms, Friendship Sms, Inspirational Sms, Jokes Selected and Compiled by Owanto, Tel +234 802 901 0905 ).

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

Cell Phone Sculptures by Joe McKay



vertexList space 9/7-9/8/2007
from the expo's write-up:

Cell phones are contentious little machines. We depend on them to contact our loved ones, or the tow truck. But we hate them too. They make us look silly when they ring during a movie or an artist talk. We both love and resent how connected they make us to everyone else with a cell phone.

So the day you get a new cell phone is a complicated one. The new phone has bells and whistles and good reception – it is without a doubt a "better" phone. But what happens to the object you kept in your pocket all those months, the little machine that vibrated against your thigh and played Santana when your best friend was calling? Do you drive it to Circuit City and toss it into their cell phone recycling bin, telling yourself that you were uneasy about discarding your phone for environmental reasons, and not emotional ones? Or do you leave it in your junk drawer next to your very first cell phone, which still produces a tinge of guilt.The cell phone sculptures give these old phones a second life. Torn apart and recontextualized – they perform new functions. A dog-chewed phone gets to show off its beautiful broken display. Two flip phones become telegraph sounders. Four phones combine to make a musical keyboard. And so on.

Joe McKay is an artist/hacker who makes work with and about digital culture. McKay grew up in Ontario, Canada and got his MFA from UC Berkeley. In 2001 McKay participated of the Whitney Independent Study Program and had a two-person collaborative exhibition with Kristin Lucas titled "The Electric Donut". In 2004 Joe had his first solo show at VertexList in Williamsburg, New York. He has shown his work in the Berkshire museum, the National Gallery of Canada, the ICA in San Jose, the Pacific Film Archive, and the New Museum.


maandag 20 augustus 2007

FW: 4 bad skinny phones (Bob Marcacci)

text me

i like e-sex
lonely in low living-room light
  tapping my alphanumeric flex
on my couch at any hour
  i touch myself and my cell
and i know well you are
  awaiting me in your new message hell
   a veritable swell in cyberspace

we send our words in cellular simultaneity

  mine vibrates upon arrival
    i wonder what yours does
       in my blue-green LCD infatuation
 i'm tuned in to your e-station
     i wait for your text to come and i go
       all e-dumb
 for what's next


Bob Marcacci
"text me" first appeared in Mad Hatters' Review...


Dada Duffy sends hello Hello  Hello oooooooooooooooof rom my room my cell m y cell room my mobile mobile
My MO bIle cell .....

zondag 19 augustus 2007

On Becoming Just a Number

On Becoming Just a Number
The numb, the number, the numbest
More than locations
Numb the person, person the number, re-
Place the numbest in the split indivirtual
We know numbers
By their numbness
We know the numbered
By their absence
-- Obododimma Oha

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

Fwd: Re: Teleshout

Thomas savage <tsavagebar@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:34:50 -0700
From: Thomas savage <tsavagebar@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Teleshout
To: WRYTING-L@listserv.wvu.edu

Very good.  Has anyone written a poem yet about how cell phones have eliminated the idea of privacy inasmuch as, at least in a large city, one hears people's private lives spilled out into the air as they walk down the street talking on these devices?  By the way, what is a "naira"?  It is a word I haven't encountered before.  Regards, Tom Savage

Obododimma Oha <obodooha@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
(or Demobilized by the Mobile)
At last we've got the talk
The talk raging after the talker
Streetways, or hidden lovetones
At last a dumb country is talking
Talkshops, and your naira burns
Aims, teas, envelops of dread
When the passions are loudest
At last, we're not the least
In the chinamart
Of booming wirelessness
We glow that we don't grow techs, demobilized
By the mobile shout
Networks & teleshouts
An ancient town is learning
A new witchcraft in pointing voices
Without pointing hands
Phonetics without phone ethics
The pleasure of getting & forgetting
Where you are
Who you are
What you are
So the talk unwraps you to the world
---- Obododimma Oha

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English,
University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.

zaterdag 18 augustus 2007



is a continuing non-edited, non-supervised flow of writing in the Public Domain on one subject:
the Cell Phone or Mobile Phone. It’s an experiment in minimal collaborative writing using public software.

It is called Cellular Writing because it is about cell phones and because it started off in the WVU Wryting-L mailing-list on writing and theory of writing, as a discussion on the subject.

It is on Cell Phones because it is called Cellular Wryting.

From there it came to you, now, and you can do some cellular writing too.

Here’s the INIT:

  • There’s a collage of sorts of fragments and pomes at http://www.vilt.net/nkdee/cellular_wryting.jsp.
  • there’s a blog at http://cellularwryting.blogspot.com/ that you can contribute to just by sending e-mail to it, see http://www.vilt.net/nkdee/cellular_wryting.jsp#contribute for how that works
  • writing can be anything. Text, poems, movies, sounds, whatever. Up here, it’s all just code anyway. So you can send in anything that gets through the Blogger interface. Most of the time, I’d prefer your things to be beautiful, interesting, well crafted and above all, poetical, but who am i?
  • you can use the blog’s contents as an RSS feed on your own websites/blogs, there’s a code snippet at the end of this mail that you can use for that purpose, or you can ‘Burn’ and customize your own feed at www.feedburner.com (yep that’s bought by our lovely EGOLOG too). The Cathedral file’s just an example of how to do that, encouraging you to do that, so why don’t you do that?
  • please edit this text as you see fit and sent it out to where and whom you see fit. Whatever you do, do not post the email address (see image file on the Cathedral file) of the blog to a public file. The spam might stop the flow, then, and there’s no reason for that to happen, is there?

Let there be writing.

dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

vrijdag 17 augustus 2007

A Note on the Increasing Intimacy of Devices

"The voice comes from the depths
of the body's cavern, escapes
from its prison"

[hm, the sentence is still in the cd leaflet]

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

The world gets more Dynamic, but look at all this Static

cell test

1 *# mob ile
wry tin gra
zps xul jqc